Archive for the 'Furhmann/Furhman Family' Category

Tombstone Tuesday | Elizabeth Hau

Elizabeth Hau was a younger sister of my grandfather, Raymond Hau. She died as an infant in 1909. Elizabeth is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., WI.

Elizabeth Hau
Daughter of John and Elizabeth (Fuhrman) Hau
Born:  June 23, 1909
Died:  July 15, 1909

Fuhrmann Stone – St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Johnsburg, Fond du Lac Co., WI

This is the Fuhrmann family stone in St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Johnsburg, Fond du Lac Co., WI. Buried here are my 2nd great grandparents, Anton and Maria Katherine (Michels) Fuhrmann and two of their sons, Peter and John. Anton emigrated from Germany in 1845.


We’ve always appreciated the uniqueness of the stone – a broken piller, symbolizing the deaths of the pillars of the family, forms the top of the stone, with the initials “AF” carved on the pillar’s top.


The Association of Graveyard Rabbits